Flange Bolting at Petrochemical Plants in Azerbaijan

Hi-Force Caspian was contracted by Ustay Construction Contracting & Trading Co. to tighten bolts on flange sizes, 150# 14” and 600# 6”, at the Polypropylene (PP) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plants, located in Sumgayit, Azerbaijan. The plants are the first of their kind in Azerbaijan’s developing petrochemical industry, offering production capacity up to 180,000 t/year, and will be used for the production of high pressure gas, sewage and water pipes, packaging, textiles, automotive components, etc.

The bolt torqueing job lasted six days and was successfully completed using Hi-Force’s square drive hydraulic torque wrench (TWS45N) and low profile hexagon hydraulic torque wrench (TWH54N), powered by an air driven and electric Hi-Force torque wrench pump, respectively.