Service & Repair Training

As a rapidly expanding manufacturer and supplier of high pressure hydraulic tools, Hi-Force recognizes the very important role that after sales service and repair plays in achieving future sales growth. Ultimately the entire success of the Hi-Force brand is dependent on, not only manufacturing and supplying tools of the highest quality and performance, but also ensuring that users of our products are able to access a high quality after sales service, with readily available spare parts, wherever they are in the world. To help Hi-Force achieve this high standard of expectation, from our customers, we are placing the establishment of fully equipped Hi-Force Service Centers, manned by fully trained service and repair technicians as a top priority. To ensure this is achieved, Hi-Force has invested in and is proud to offer, modular training courses, in the correct service and repair of our complete range of products.

Hi-Force Service and Repair Training Courses are primarily available to our Global Distributor Network and are designed, to enable our Distributors, to gain the highly prestigious, Hi-Force Authorized Service Center accreditation. To achieve this, our Distributors need to send personnel for training and establish a fully equipped Service Center facility, within their own premises. To help with this, the Hi-Force UK Service and Repair Training facility, is modelled on exactly how, an Authorized Hi-Force Service Center should be set up, within the Distributors own facility. All Hi-Force offices globally, operate a fully equipped Service Center facility and in the future certain elements of our Service and Repair Training Courses will be made available within our Regional Office network.

Establishing a Hi-Force Authorized Service Center offers many advantages, to our Distributors, including an increased revenue stream, through chargeable service and repair work, greater customer loyalty, gained from the benefits of offering full after sales support, authorisation to carry out warranty work, on behalf of Hi-Force and of course the added opportunity to invest in Tool Rental services, given that a service center is vital for supporting this additional activity. To help Hi-Force achieve our goals, of establishing a professional, worldwide network of Authorized Service Centers, we offer several financial incentives, to our distributors, to assist them, with becoming an Authorized Hi-Force Service Center.

We are also able to offer Service and Repair Training to end users, of our products, that prefer to have their own, in-house tool repair facilities. One of the major advantages of the modular design, of our Service and Repair Training courses, is that we can tailor courses to suit specific, individual requirements, of our end user customers. So if an end user customer is a major user of our bolting tools we can concentrate on the Service and Repair Training of hydraulic torque wrenches and stud bolt tensioners. Similarly if the customer is a user of our jacking systems we can focus the training on cylinders, pumps and accessories.

As with all of our Hi-Force training packages, we offer a mixture of theoretical classroom training with full hands on practical training, within the one designated Training School. Our Trainers are vastly experienced in all aspects of the courses we provide.

Service & Repair Training