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Corporate Social Responsibility

Employing a Diversified Work Force

30 Mar 2016

Hiring a diverse array of employees without discriminating on age, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, disability, nationality, race, religion or belief is essential to Hi-Force’s ongoing business development. As a multinational company, Hi-Force embraces the variation amongst employees and believes that it is through this variation that we can achieve:

  • A more open and trusting work place
  • Generate more innovative products and services
  • Attract and retain talented people now and into the future
  • Help our workforce achieve their potential and career goals

Hi-Force provides equal treatment to employees regardless of nationality, creed or social status and offers the same pay scale for both men and women. Safe and pleasant working environments are also considered a priority to enhance the working experience for employees.

The Hi-Force global team comprises of more than 12 nationalities worldwide including British, Indian, Bangladeshi, Filipino, Chinese, Italian, French, Dutch, Malaysian, South African, Azeri, and Polish. Hi-Force also has a high representation of women within the senior management team encouraging diversity across the Group.

Employing a diversified work force